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Coko koncentruje się na formowaniu wtryskowym tworzyw sztucznych i specjalizuje się w dużych, bardzo złożonych częściach

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Technologia plastiku

Przyczyniamy się do realizacji Państwa pomysłów. Nasze doświadczenie, wiedza i pasja, w połączeniu z Państwa pomysłami idą po prostu w parze.

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Carrier parts for automotive

Our manufacturing expertise extends to carrier parts for the automotive industry. The carrier parts are used to cover the kinematics and support the rear wing. We use state-of-the-art Mucell® technology in conjunction with 2-components injection moulding technology to ensure optimum quality and functionality. Our expertise lies in the Mucell® process with high optical requirements, as the carrier part is a visible part. A significant advantage of our carrier parts is the reduction in production costs and the low component weight, which supports lightweight construction in the automotive industry.

  • Joint development and component design with the customer
  • MuCell® process in combination with 2-components injection moulding
  • Low component weight (lightweight construction)

"We bring speed to the roads"

Carsten Schlapp
Global Key Account Manager