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Technologia plastiku

Przyczyniamy się do realizacji Państwa pomysłów. Nasze doświadczenie, wiedza i pasja, w połączeniu z Państwa pomysłami idą po prostu w parze.

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Efficient fleet reservoirs and water inlets

We offer many years of expertise in the production of fleet reservoirs and water inlets for home appliances. Our production is carried out by fully automated assembly injection moulding, which leads to a reduction in time, work and personnel costs. The entire process is carefully monitored and the parts are injection moulded using tandem technology. We guarantee the highest quality through 100% inspection by means of seal testing. Rely on us for innovative solutions that are not only efficient but also meet the highest quality standards.

  • Plastic injection moulding with tandem technology
  • Fully automated welding of plastic components
  • 100% automated leak test
  • Fully automated production of plastic components

"Can't be done, doesn't exist! We'll find a solution."

Dirk Rodax
Head of Sales